Christmas is almost here, and with it are the parties, the carols, the lights, the reindeer, and one figure who looms over everything else: Santa Claus.
None of these things are bad, but what is the true meaning of Christmas? Why does the whole world celebrate this holiday every year? Maybe it should be named "International Spoil Your Kids Day." What makes Christmas so special?
A big hint to Christmas' meaning can be found in its name. Christmas. Just by looking at the name, it's obvious that Christmas is celebrating Christ. Bingo! That's exactly what Christmas is about. In fact, Christmas celebrates one of the most important events of all history: the birth of Christ Jesus our Messiah. He's the most important human to ever live, because He is also God, and He came to earth on Christmas to save us! That is truly worth celebrating!
So enjoy your parties and caroling, open your presents from "Santa Claus", put up your Christmas lights and tree, and make sure to eat some delicious cookies, but while you're doing that, remember that you're at Jesus' birthday party, celebrating the miracle of His birth in a manger over 2000 years ago!
