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5 Tips for Going Back to School!

Updated: May 6, 2022

Whether you're homeschooled, public schooled, or private schooled, it's always hard when summer break ends. Don't worry though, nerds are able to jump right in and start the school year strong! Here's 5 tips on how to succeed this school year.

1. Have a good attitude.

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can have in anything you do, not just school. When you do something, go into it with a positive, optimistic attitude and then do your absolute best (see tip 3). If you struggle with depression, are naturally pessimistic, or for some other reason feel like you can't have a good attitude, DON'T GIVE UP! Pray to God and ask Him for help. Talk to your family and friends and ask them if they believe you can succeed. Also remember, each school year is a NEW BEGINNING! Even if you have had bad experiences with school in the past, that's the past! You're starting over this year! You have a second chance! So as you begin school, do it joyfully with a happy heart, and it will be a lot easier and more enjoyable.

2. Stay focused. Play later.

Routines and schedules are super helpful for school, especially if you're homeschooled/online schooled or have a lot of homework. The most important part is to know how much you need to get done each day, and focus and work hard and get all of that stuff done. Once your responsibilities for the day are complete, you can hangout with friends, watch YouTube, read books, play games, or whatever else you like to do. Get done what needs to get done, then have fun.

John Maxwell said, "There are two paths people can take. They can either play now and pay later, or pay now and play later. Regardless of the choice, one thing is certain. Life will demand a payment."

3. Do your BEST.

In order to learn the most that you can learn and get the best grades that you can get, you have to devote yourself to it and do the best that you can do. Don't compare yourself to other people who are better than you and let that drag you down. Instead, just focus on your work and your accomplishments. If you're not giving 100% effort, you're not going to get 100% of the benefits of school. If you're going to do something, DO IT! And that's not just for school, it's also for work, games, hobbies, sports, and life in general. Your best is always going to be better than anything else that you do.

4. Turn your work in on time!

I can't say this too many times. So many people struggle in school, kill their grades, get overloaded and stressed out, and have tons of problems just because they don't keep up with their work. Homework and school projects might not be fun, but you have to do them! This goes back to tip 2 and the John Maxwell quote. He said "Life will demand a payment," but what he didn't add is that the longer you wait, the bigger the payment is. If you get your work done as soon as possible, you can then relax and do whatever you want until more work is assigned. Procrastination is YOUR BIGGEST ENEMY! Don't procrastinate! And even if you think your work isn't very good or won't get a good grade, still turn it in! Any grade at all is better than getting a 0 because you didn't turn it in. So focus, do your best, and when the work is due, turn it in! Don't wait! Remember, life WILL demand a payment, so pay it now so that you don't have to worry about it later.

5. Don't be scared to ask for help.

Last but not least, asking responsible people for help is a very wise thing to do! Don't ask just anybody though; ask teachers, parents and guardians, mentors, and some of your smart and responsible peers. Ask someone who can actually help you! In addition, don't have someone do it for you! When someone helps you, they should be showing you how to do it and teaching you the concepts so that you don't have to ask for help again. If someone just does the work for you, you're not learning. That's why it is important to be careful who you ask for help, and also make sure to specify that you're NOT asking them to do the work for you. When you ask for help, you're asking for someone to teach you and make you better!

I hope these 5 tips have been helpful, and maybe not just for school, but also for many other areas of your life. If you have any other tips, or if any of these tips have helped you, let me know in the comments below!



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