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Marble Surface
Nerdy Alphabet

ALPHABET: a system of writing, developed in the ancient Near East and transmitted from the northwest Semites to the Greeks, in which each symbol ideally represents one sound unit in the spoken language, and from which most alphabetical scripts are derived

BIBULOUS: absorbent, spongy

CELEBRIMBOR: the Elven master jewel-smith that forged the Rings of Power in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

DOMINO EFFECT: a cumulative effect produced when one event initiates a succession of similar events

EXPONENTIAL: rising or expanding at a steady and usually rapid rate

FASTIDIOUS: requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking

GARGANTUAN: tremendous in size, volume, or degree; gigantic, colossal

HISTORY: a chronological record of significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes

INFRARED: the part of the invisible spectrum that is contiguous to the red end of the visible spectrum and that comprises electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths from 800 nano meters to 1 millimeters.

JAVASCRIPT: JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.

KOOKABURRA: a brownish kingfisher of Australia that is about the size of a crow and has a call resembling loud laughter

LOGARITHM: the exponent of the power to which a base number must be raised to equal a given number

MANUMISSION: formal emancipation from slavery

NAUTILUS: a pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family Nautilidae, the sole extant family of the superfamily Nautilaceae and of its smaller but near equal suborder, Nautilina

OPTICAL ILLUSION: something that looks different from what it is; something that you seem to see but that is not really there

PI: the symbol π denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; the ratio itself: a transcendental number having a value rounded to eight decimal places of 3.14159265

QUASAR: a region at the center of a galaxy, similar to a star, that produces an extremely large amount of radiation

ROLLS-ROYCE: a British luxury car and later an aero-engine manufacturing business established in 1904 by the partnership of Charles Rolls and Henry Royce

SUPERNOVA: the explosion of a star in which the star may reach a maximum intrinsic luminosity one billion times that of the sun

TORQUE: a force that produces or tends to produce rotation or torsion

UNIQUE: being the only one; sole

VISIONARY: having or marked by foresight and imagination

WHIMSICAL: resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice especially; lightly fanciful

X-RAY: any of the electromagnetic radiations that have an extremely short wavelength of less than 100 angstroms and have the properties of penetrating various thicknesses of all solids, of producing secondary radiations by impinging on material bodies, and of acting on photographic films and plates as light does

YADDLE: female member of Yoda's species, and a member of the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace

ZORSE: the offspring of a zebra stallion and a horse mare

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Nerdy Alphabet 2

AMBIDEXTROUS: able to use both hands equally well

BAZOOKA: a tube-shaped, portable rocket launcher that fires a rocket capable of penetrating several inches of armor plate, as of a tank or other armored military vehicle

COVID-19: a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus. The disease was discovered in China in December 2019 and has since spread around the world

DERIVATIVE: a term, idea, etc, that is based on or derived from another in the same class; a word derived from another word

ELBONIA: an impoverished western European country in the Dilbert universe

FORENSICS: the art or study of argumentation and formal debate

GALLANT: brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous

HOBBIT: a member of a race of imaginary creatures related to and resembling humans, living in underground holes and characterized by their good nature, diminutive size, and hairy feet

INTELLECT: the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge

JABBERWOCKY: a playful imitation of language consisting of invented, meaningless words; nonsense; gibberish

KASHYYYK: a wroshyr tree-covered forest planet located in the southwestern quadrant of the galaxy and the homeworld of the Wookiee species

LIGER: the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger

MATHEMATICS: a group of related sciences, including algebra, geometry, and calculus, concerned with the study of number, quantity, shape, and space and their interrelationships by using a specialized notation

NECESSITY: something necessary or indispensable

OZONE: a form of oxygen, O3, with a peculiar odor suggesting that of weak chlorine, produced when an electric spark or ultraviolet light is passed through air or oxygen. It is found in the atmosphere in minute quantities, especially after a thunderstorm, is a powerful oxidizing agent, and is thus biologically corrosive. In the upper atmosphere, it absorbs ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing them from reaching the surface of the earth. It is used for bleaching, sterilizing water, etc.

PYTHAGORAS: circa 582– circa 500 b.c., Greek philosopher, mathematician, and religious reformer

QUADRUPED: an animal, especially a mammal, having four feet

RADIOBIOLOGY: the branch of biology dealing with the effects of radiation on living matter

SEMANTIC: of, relating to, or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols

THEORY: a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena

UTOPIA: an ideal place or state; any visionary system of political or social perfection

VIVACIOUS: lively; animated; spirited

WATERMELON: the large, roundish or elongated fruit of a trailing vine, Citrullus lanata, of the gourd family, having a hard, green rind and a sweet, juicy, usually pink or red pulp

XYLOPHONE: a musical instrument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars, usually sounded by striking with small wooden hammers

YEET: an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something

ZANY: ludicrously or whimsically comical; clownish

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Nerdy Alphabet 3

ARCHETYPE: the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype

BIZARRE: markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often involving incongruous or unexpected elements; outrageously or whimsically strange; odd

COMPENDIUM: a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject; concise treatise

DACHSHUND: one of a German breed of dogs having short legs, a long body and ears, and a usually tan or black-and-tan coat

ELIXIR: an alchemic preparation formerly believed to be capable of transmuting base metals into gold

FEUDALISM: the political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal

GILDED: covered or highlighted with gold or something of a golden color; having a pleasing or showy appearance that conceals something of little worth

HYGIENE: a condition or practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness

IGNOMINY: shameful or dishonorable quality or conduct or an instance of this.

JURISPRUDENCE:  the science or philosophy of law; a body or system of laws

KALEIDOSCOPE: an optical instrument in which bits of glass, held loosely at the end of a rotating tube, are shown in continually changing symmetrical forms by reflection in two or more mirrors set at angles to each other

LEVITATE: to rise or float in the air, especially as a result of a supernatural power that overcomes gravity

METAMORPHOSIS: a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly

NEPHRITIS: inflammation of the kidneys, especially in Bright's disease

ONOMATOPOEIA: the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent

PERMUTATION: the act of changing the order of elements arranged in a particular order, as ABC into ACB, BAC, etc., or of arranging a number of elements in groups made up of equal numbers of the elements in different orders, as A and B in AB and BA; a one-to-one transformation of a set with a finite number of elements

QUANTUM MECHANICS: a theory of the mechanics of atoms, molecules, and other physical systems that are subject to the uncertainty principle

RESUME: a brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications and experience, as that prepared by an applicant for a job

SACCHARIN: a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble powder produced synthetically, which in dilute solution is 500 times as sweet as sugar: its soluble sodium salt is used as a noncaloric sugar substitute in the manufacture of syrups, foods, and beverages

THANOSCAR: an image of a modified pickup truck that resembles Thanos, a character from Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War and the source material comics from which he is inspired.

UNPRECEDENTED: without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled

VENUS: the planet second in order from the sun, having an equatorial diameter of 7521 miles, a mean distance from the sun of 67.2 million miles , a period of revolution of 224.68 days, and no moons. It is the most brilliant planet in the solar system; an ancient Italian goddess of gardens and spring, identified by the Romans with Aphrodite as the goddess of love and beauty

WARDEN:  a person charged with the care or custody of persons, animals, or things; keeper of the chief administrative officer in charge of a prison

XANTHIC: of or relating to a yellow or yellowish color

YUVERNIANS: a two-headed, mottled-skinned reptilian horselike race from the planet of Yuvern. They were fairly large beings, 4.8 meters in length, and standing 2.4 meters in height. They had yellow skin with black spots and elongated skulls. A Yuvernian named Cane Adiss can be seen in Jabba's palace in Star Wars Episode VI: A New Hope.

ZEUS: the supreme deity of the ancient Greeks, a son of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, and Poseidon, and father of a number of gods, demigods, and mortals; the god of the heavens, identified by the Romans with Jupiter

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Nerdy Alphabet 4

ANALYSIS: a philosophical method of exhibiting complex concepts or propositions as compounds or functions of more basic ones

BOOMERANG: a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by Australian Aboriginal peoples as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower

CALCULATOR: a small electronic or mechanical device that performs calculations, requiring manual action for each individual operation

DEMAGOGUE: a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people

ELUCIDATE: to make lucid or clear; throw light upon; explain

FUNGICIDE: a substance or preparation, as a spray or dust, used for destroying fungi

GDP: Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period

HOGWARTS: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, often shortened to Hogwarts, was the British wizarding school, located in the Scottish Highlands. It accepted magical students from Great Britain and Ireland for enrollment. It was a state-owned school, funded by the Ministry of Magic.

INFINITESIMAL: immeasurably small; less than an assignable quantity

JEOPARDY:  hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury

KNICKKNACK: an ornamental trinket or gimcrack; a bit of bric-a-brac

LABORATORY: a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed

MONOPOLY: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.

NONCHALANT: coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual

OCTAGON: a polygon having eight angles and eight sides

PHILATELY: the collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment

QUIBBLE: an instance of the use of ambiguous, prevaricating, or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue

RADAGAST: one of the Istari to go to Middle-earth by the Valar in order to help in the struggle against the Dark Lord, Sauron.  He was an associate of Gandalf and when coming to Middle-earth, became friends with Beorn.

SILHOUETTE: a dark image outlined against a lighter background.

TERMINOLOGY: the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature

UBIQUITOUS: existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent

VENTRILOQUISM: the art or practice of speaking, with little or no lip movement, in such a manner that the voice does not appear to come from the speaker but from another source, as from a wooden dummy

WATERPROOF:  impervious to water

XENON: a heavy, colorless, chemically inactive, monatomic gaseous element used for filling radio, television, and luminescent tubes. Symbol: Xe; atomic weight: 131.30; atomic number: 54

YEARLING: an animal in its second year

ZEPHYR: a gentle, mild breeze

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